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There are over 1 million consultants in the United States. So why is it so hard to find the right one? If you’ve found yourself reading this paragraph, in search of a consultant or trying to start your own consultancy, you’re in luck.


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The #1 Rated Consultant Directory in the United States

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This is the future of Consulting

Our platform matches companies with working professionals who actually work in their industry.  No more inexperienced, entry-level goons. Get connected with a part-time consultant, bringing you full-time professional insights and expertise, directly from their industry.

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The only platform you need to meet The Right People

This is the place to be for those looking to give high quality advice at fair prices. As a consultant, you can work your own hours, choose your own clients, set your own rates, and grow your part-time (or full time) consultancy business, right here. Get started with a free listing.

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 Why I started ConnectaConsultant – 

Here are the top three problems with consultancies today:

1. High Costs with Limited ROI

  • Many consultancies charge premium fees without delivering proportional value or measurable returns.
  • Clients often feel they pay for bloated teams, unnecessary hours, or vague deliverables.
  • Example: Companies may invest heavily in consulting but fail to see actionable insights or long-term benefits.

2. Generic, Cookie-Cutter Solutions

  • Consultancies often use standardized frameworks that don’t account for a company’s unique challenges or industry nuances.
  • This one-size-fits-all approach can lead to recommendations that are impractical or irrelevant.
  • Example: A startup and a Fortune 500 company may receive nearly identical advice, despite vastly different needs.

3. Lack of Real-World Expertise

  • Consultants are sometimes criticized for lacking hands-on industry experience, relying instead on theoretical models or past successes.
  • Clients want advice from professionals who have faced similar challenges directly, not just in a consulting capacity.
  • Example: A consultant advising on digital transformation may not have worked within an organization undergoing such change.