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Businesses of all shapes and sizes need a helping hand from time to time. That’s why we help business leaders across the world connect directly with a working professional you can trust, today.
There are over 1 million consultants in the United States. So why is it so hard to find the right one? If you’ve found yourself reading this paragraph, in search of a consultant or trying to start your own consultancy, you’re in luck.
What type of consultant are you looking for today?
Our platform matches companies with working professionals who actually work in their industry. No more inexperienced, entry-level goons. Get connected with a part-time consultant, bringing you full-time professional insights and expertise, directly from their industry.
No middlemen, no gigantic consultancy fees—just reasonable rates and consultants that work directly with your business. You’ll get top-tier advice from a consultant you can trust, without the organizational bloat and price tag of a large consultancy.
This is the place to be for those looking to give high quality advice at fair prices. As a consultant, you can work your own hours, choose your own clients, set your own rates, and grow your part-time (or full time) consultancy business, right here. Get started with a free listing.
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Here are the top three problems with consultancies today:
1. High Costs with Limited ROI
2. Generic, Cookie-Cutter Solutions